
Half-Life 2's Citadel is 3 times taller than everyone thought, says guy who spent 9 years thinking about it | PC Gamer - youngmansquis1947

Half-Life 2's Citadel is 3 multiplication taller than everyone view, says guy who spent 9 years thinking all but it

Half-Life 2
(Envision credit: Valve)

When visiting City 17, don't leave to feel out the Citadel. You give the sack't drop information technology: it's a massive black alien structure in the center of the city, looming over the remnants of the quality race with Dr. Breen's cozy office occupying the top take aback. Half-Life 2 begins at the foot of the Citadel and ends on its roof, with a slight roundabout way to all over else in 'tween.

The Citadel is a tall-growing building. It's so gangly you can see it pointing to the vault of heaven with its tip inhumed in the clouds straight-grained hours after you've left hand the urban center itself.  But how tall is IT, exactly? Fractional-Life fans wanted to know.

In 2009 someone emailed Half-Life 2 writer Marc Laidlaw to need how improbable the Citadel was.

Laidlaw, apparently, didn't know either. According to the person who emailed him, Laidlaw asked a Incomplete-Life 2 artist, and that artist aforementioned it was 'at least a mile' high, adding: "If you can find someone with a HL2 tree, they could load it up in model viewer and multiply the size by 16 (because this is a skybox variant) you'll get an photographic height."

Various calculations ensued, and in 2012 it was ultimately obstinate that the Citadel is 2,569 meters (8,430 feet) upper. That's a bit concluded a mile-and-a-uncomplete. Highly tall! (Note: initial calculations showed it being even taller, nearly 3,000 meters, but those calculations were revised to account for part of the social organization organism underground.) Here's an image created for scale alongside other buildings on Earth. And these days, even the Combine Overwiki accepts this acme American Samoa correct.

(Image credit: Valve)

Merely a redditor onymous Rscreamroad didn't quite buy it, and it's apparently bothered him for the past 9 years or so, ever since the Bastion's height was calculated. He decided to do some re-calculating, and posted an extensive accounting of his findings connected Reddit.

"Finished the course of these 9 years, I had a lot of objections that destroyed my immersion in the game," Rscreamroad says in the berth. "I want to at to the lowest degree try to deliver my ideas to the community and resume this discussion."

Part of Rscreamroad's issue is that if the height of 2,569 meters is chasten, that would mean the Citadel is only about 250 meters wide, which doesn't have a lot of sense for those who have been inside the Bastion. We've seen not just how tall the building is but how thicc it is, having taken an extensive Combine pod hinge upon direct its interior near the end of Half life 2. 250 meters (820 feet) doesn't seem quite big adequate to keep out everything we've seen in there, from fleets of gunships to striders stomping angrily around privileged. The track the pod rides on is quite a long and implies an interior breadth considerably bigger than 250 meters.

So, Rscreamroad did some investigation. Helium loaded the level that takes send at the top of the Bastion and looked downwards at the texture of the metropolis beneath, which he eventually taken was supported a real satellite image. In the game files, that cityscape was in reality 4 different images, and after pasting the images together, Rscreamroad compared information technology to tangible cities, eventually discovering that the watch of City 17 from the top of the Bastion was in reality created from a picture looking down on New York City. And the camera position for that picture is a height of 8,773 meters. When you'Re at the top of the Citadel looking down, the metropolis is nearly 9,000 meters below you.

Basing the meridian of the Citadel on an image of the ground below might not be the most knowledge domain conclusion, considering the artists probably just picked an image that looked good and would give the players an impression of being very high in the air. But when Rscreamroad loaded the Citadel model from Half-Life 2 into Blender, he recovered that it wasn't really that remote off. His measurements in Liquidiser concluded that the Citadel is "27,580 feet or 8,406 meters. Information technology was also 860 meters wide and went 230 meters underground."

Rscreamroad's image of the Citadel's height, posted happening Reddit (Image credit: Rscreamroad on Reddit)

If Rscreamroad is correct, that's substantially taller than the height of 2,569 meters. It's over five miles high. It makes the Citadel well-nig threefold American Samoa gangly As everyone has assumed for the past decade. And organism that tall makes the internal all-embracing enough that the long Unite pod tantalize makes much more sense.

Rscreamroad isn't entirely sold on this unweathered measurement himself, however. He says: "The truth is that the Generator engine has a bunch of different versions [of the Citadel theoretical account]. On the developer resources I found information that they began to use the 1/12 scale for the skybox unit in the latest versions of the engine. And in whatsoever cases, 1 unit is not equal to 1 inch, but 2/3 inches. And the Blender itself, depending on versions 2.79 and 2.8+, slenderly changed the mechanism for converting model sizes congenator to unexploded models."

I'd say a five-mile-grandiloquent Bastion seems... a bit besides high, to me anyway. At the very to the lowest degree, IT looks like the Half-Life community has something New to argue over. If you'd rather watch a video than learn the entire Reddit post , Rscreamroad ready-made a video also and you can watch it Hera on YouTube.

Christopher Livingston

Chris started acting PC games in the 1980s, started writing about them in the early 2000s, and (finally) started getting remunerative to pen about them in the late 2000s. Following a few years as a regular freelancer, PC Gamer hired him in 2014, probably so helium'd hitch emailing them interrogatory for Thomas More work. Chris has a dear-hate relationship with survival games and an unhealthy enchantment with the inner lives of NPCs. Helium's also a fan of offbeat pretending games, mods, and ignoring storylines in RPGs and so he can make up his own.


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