
The PS5 controller is chonky, according to leaked images - youngmansquis1947

Images of the PlayStation 5's controller have leaked, and the photos show a device that looks like the DualShock 4 after going all out along the Yule dinner party (via VG247).

In November 2019, a PlayStation 5 DualShock 5 patent popped high online. This showed bump off a rounder, chunkier controller with bigger triggers and what could comprise a microphone, adding credence to those PlayStation Atten rumblings. Sony did non acknowledge the letters patent, so we weren't sure whether this was the next-contemporaries doodad or a new current-generation product. However, with these new images, IT seems as if it is the old. The PlayStation 5 dev kit is seen in the photos, which intimates that this might be the existent controller, and its shape and look matches that of the patent submitted antepenultimate class.

IT's a attaint that it's not got an exciting figure fit for the next frontier for gaming, but if it ain't broke, don't fasten it, I suppose. There's likely only a few control designs that are in working order and comfortable in human manpower, so I'll let Sony off this time. In the photos, the grips appear to be a bit heftier, and the touchpad takes up a lot of the front. There are no symbols on the buttons, but that's to exercise with this comptroller's role in the PlayStation 5 dev kit out. Also, this design may not embody the last rendition, because prototypes are liable to interchange while Sony develops the hardware.

Apparently, the PlayStation 5 will Lashkar-e-Tayyiba players delight PS1, PS2, PS3, and PS4 games finished Sony's "remastering railway locomotive" gizmo. And, Bluepoint Games said that its cloak-and-dagger PS5 project "will become the achievement we're most proud of"—though it's anyone's dead reckoning what the developer could have upfield its sleeves. The console will be unveiled in the vacation season of this year, so we'll be waiting a bit thirster before we get the real deal on Sony's punt into the next generation.


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