
How To Repair Corrupted Iphone Backup File

Recovering data from a corrupt iTunes backup is difficult only not impossible, and messages like "backup is corrupt or non compatible with your iPhone that is existence restored" don't mean your information is "irreversibly lost". You lot've got a peachy adventure of recovering corrupt backups automatically with iPhone Fill-in Extractor.

It's normally straightforward to recover data from an unencrypted corrupt iTunes backup. Encrypted decadent backups are trickier, especially if the "manifest files" are missing, equally these draw how data in the fill-in was encrypted, and are essential for the decryption process.

Backups tin can be corrupted to different extents. For example, running out of disk space in the middle of a fill-in, having a hard-bulldoze neglect (or Dropbox eating your files!), an iOS upgrade going wrong, or a ability failure during the backup tin each affect the fill-in in different ways.

There are a scattering of errors you might go when a backup is corrupt. Allow's wait at the cause and solution to each.

iTunes restore errors that point corruption

iTunes could not restore the iPhone because the backup was corrupt or not uniform with the iPhone that is being restored

This kickoff message is straightforward and tells you you're dealing with a corrupt backup. Every now and then, when iTunes is bankroll upwardly your iOS, information technology may happen that this process fails without an error message. It can suck to find out that yous take a corrupt backup only when trying to restore with iTunes. Information technology'south not too difficult to get your information our: check out our guide on getting data out of a decadent iPhone backup below,

iTunes' corrupt backup error message
iTunes' decadent backup error message

iTunes could not restore [iPhone] because the backup session failed

This error is similar to the first, and also tells that you are dealing with a decadent or unfinished iTunes backup. The cause is like. Meet our tips on recovering data from corrupted backups below.

iTunes could not restore because iTunes doesn't recognise your device

This tertiary message requires that you bank check you are using the latest version of iTunes, that your USB cable is connected properly (and not damaged), and you lot don't have whatever 3rd-party software interfering with iTunes.

If the to a higher place doesn't work, this upshot tin usually be resolved by using recovery mode. Recovery mode volition erase your device and restore it: if you previously synced with iTunes or iCloud you'll be able to restore from backup after recovery.

The worst case is that there'due south a fundamental trouble with the iOS device you lot're connecting. If -- and you have a spare device -- try using information technology. Failing that, we tin aid y'all extract data from a corrupt iTunes backup. Read on!

The iPhone could non exist restored. An unknown error occurred

This error is a take hold of-all for a range of different problems. Depending on the underlying cause, in that location are a number of solutions:

  • Using the latest version of iTunes (and non a beta!) is a skillful place to commencement -- upgrade, if you're not already on it
  • Windows users can discover a reboot helps (if you follow the footstep above and upgrade iTunes, you'll demand to reboot anyway)
  • Completely resetting the phone and running a restore in DFU mode
  • Apple publish a short document with further tips for this fault

If y'all can't succeed here, check out our guide on recovering information from a corrupt iTunes backup below.

A software update is required to connect to iPhone

This bulletin implies you need an update to connect to the iPhone, and it's not clear from the message whether it ways information technology needs to update your PC or Mac, or the iPhone. It's the computer that it'south referring to.

A software update is required to connect to iPhone
A software update is required to connect to iPhone

Users will oftentimes get this if they are running a beta version of iOS, but aren't running the equivalent iTunes beta. If that'due south the case, striking the "Install" button won't work. It'll say information technology'south downloading an update for a while before it fails, saying "Installation failed. Can't install the software because information technology is non currently available from the Software Update server." The solution is to install the latest beta of iTunes.

four tricks to repair a decadent iPhone fill-in and retrieve your data

iPhone Backup Extractor is designed to help you become your data when a backup can't be restored properly through iTunes. It opens iTunes and iCloud backups and extracts valuable data -- even if that backup has been corrupted.

1. Utilise iPhone Backup Extractor's congenital-in abuse handling

Even the free edition of iPhone Backup Extractor has a lot of cleverness built-in to it to handle decadent backups, and it may be that information technology can excerpt your data commonly.

Try the quick links for data extraction from "Overview", and see our conventional guides on recovering iTunes information.

Extracting data from corrupt backup with iPhone Backup Extractor
Extracting data from corrupt backup with iPhone Backup Extractor

If the overview doesn't generate what you demand, at that place are two other approaches to attempt.

  1. Check the "Preview" tab to encounter if information is available for extraction. If data is in that location, y'all can click the app's proper name, select the letters you lot need, and extract them in the format you want. As beneath:

    Previewing messages
    Previewing messages
  2. Employ the "Excerpt" menu to export available messages as HTML or as CSV, as shown in the screenshot below:

    Extracting messages with the "Extract" menu
    Extracting messages with the "Excerpt" card

Data like contacts, messages and photos tin can all the same exist retrieved from the corrupt backup, even if the steps in a higher place don't work. Don't give upwardly hope -- permit'due south get deeper...

ii. Apply expert mode to recover iPhone data from private files

If the direct approach doesn't work for you, you lot can however use "Good mode" and "App view" to recover your files from the backup. Data such as contacts, calendars, SMS messages, locations and notes are stored in specific files in your backup, and -- if you fish the files out -- iPhone Backup Extractor can catechumen them into readable formats for y'all.

Load your backup with iPhone Fill-in Extractor, and and so navigate through "Expert mode" to choice out the files representing the information you demand. We've got an article on where apps store their data in an iTunes fill-in which will exist helpful when knowing where to look.

Manually extracting the WhatsApp database with iPhone Backup Extractor
Manually extracting the WhatsApp database with iPhone Backup Extractor

Once yous have the necessary file, you lot can convert it into a readable format:

  1. Click the "File" carte in iPhone Fill-in Extractor

  2. Select "Catechumen Messages DB to CSV", "Convert contacts DB to vCards", or whichever pick is near appropriate for your file

    Using the file menu to convert...
    Using the file menu to catechumen...
  3. The app will consign your contacts and letters.

    Recovery successful!
    Recovery successful!

3. Sift unencrypted iPhone backup for photos and video

You may even so find photos and videos in your iTunes backup even if the iTunes process was incomplete and led to a corrupt backup file. In society for this to work, the backup needs to accept non been created with encryption.

Effort this:

  1. Detect the backup binder in question (y'all tin can correct-click on the backup in iPhone Backup Extractor and choose "reveal enclosing folder")

  2. Make a copy of the entire binder -- we're going to heavily change it...

  3. Sort the files inside by size and remove all files smaller than 300KB

  4. Download and install Bulk Rename Utility -- information technology's free and keen for what we need hither

  5. Open up "Majority Rename Utility" and navigate to the copy of the backup binder you made, then select it

  6. Add together jpg (without dot) to Extension Section (eleven) or .jpg (with dot) using the Add > Suffix (seven) menu

  7. Select all of the files in the superlative window (they'll appear in light-green)

  8. Click the "Rename" push and all the selected files will then be renamed to jpg files

    Bulk Rename Utility in action
    Bulk Rename Utility in activeness
  9. In the folder where you saved them, select "Thumbnails view" in Windows Explorer or macOS Finder -- at present you lot should exist able to come across which files are photos, as they'll exist shown with previews

  10. Motility the recovered photos to a safety new binder, then repeat the process from pace #5 with other file extensions such as .mov and .heic until yous've recovered them all

4. Rely on Reincubate's experts to practice information technology for you

If none of the approaches above piece of work, or if they get likewise technical, you can always reach out to united states of america. We'd dearest to help. Our back up squad will probably ask that you share a copy of your "manifest files" with them, and we've got an info panel beneath with some more than information on them.


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