
Can I Mail My Rolex To The Company For Repair?

Rolex watches are crafted to the highest possible standards and built to last a lifetime. Withal, just like annihilation else mechanical, proper care and periodic maintenance is an important function of buying. Adhering to regularly scheduled service intervals will assist ensure that your Rolex sentinel stays in top mechanical and cosmetic condition, guaranteeing many years of reliable performance for both you lot and the next generation.

How Oftentimes Should You Service Your Rolex?

For modern watches, Rolex recommends a consummate service nearly every 10 years. While many Rolex watches will be able to run far longer than this before becoming unable to properly keep time, getting your Rolex serviced before it starts to develop bug will assistance minimize wear and ensure that it stays in the best condition possible.

With that in listen, vintage Rolex watches and certain older models may require more frequent servicing if they are your daily timepiece and you want them to run exactly within their manufacturer specifications. Notwithstanding, for vintage Rolex watches that are highly collectible, a meaning portion of their value and collectibility is contingent on their key components beingness original, so servicing a vintage Rolex watch can sometimes be a bit less straightforward of a process (more on that below).

How To Service Your Rolex

Why Do Rolex Watches Need Service?

One of the main reasons why mechanical watches (Rolex or otherwise) crave service is due to lubricants breaking down over fourth dimension. Similar anything mechanical, reducing friction is a chief objective, and a number of dissimilar specialized lubricants are used throughout a watch movement to ensure that it runs smoothly with equally little friction as possible. Equally these lubricants interruption downwards over time, friction can increment, which puts additional wear on components, ultimately causing performance to endure.

With this in listen, equally lubricant technology improves, the corporeality of time that you tin await a mechanical watch to function properly (under normal circumstances) increases. In the very early years, a spotter had to be serviced just about every year or two; however that service interval has significantly increased over the decades. Today, with modern lubricants and contemporary move designs, Rolex at present recommends that owners should service their picket at to the lowest degree every 10 years to guarantee optimal performance.

How To Service Your Rolex

Chronometer Certification

Many Rolex watches, including all of the models that the brand currently sells, feature chronometer-certified movements. This means that in that location are specific timekeeping performance parameters that are guaranteed, and that the watch must run inside them to be considered operating within its proper specifications.

For many years, Rolex'due south chronometer-certified watches had movements that were COSC-certified. For those who might be wondering, COSC stands for Contrôle Officiel Suisse des Chronomètres, which is the official Swiss Chronometer Testing Found. This institute is responsible for certifying both the accurateness and the precision of timepieces in Switzerland, and serves as the gilt-standard for timekeeping accurateness.

Along with needing to pass a diversity of other tests related to timekeeping precision and precision, COSC-certified chronometers must all exist able to run inside an average daily deviation rate of -iv/+6 seconds per twenty-four hour period. However, in 2022, Rolex introduced its own, in-house 'Superlative Chronometer' certification across its entire range, which adheres to fifty-fifty more stringent tolerances than COSC-parameters, guaranteeing a timekeeping accuracy of -two/+two seconds per 24-hour interval.

How To Service Your Rolex

What Is The Rolex Service Process?

Servicing a Rolex watch is 100% not something you should attempt to practise at habitation. Rolex watches feature precision mechanical movements that crave both extensive knowledge and specialized equipment in order to properly service. While you lot should always have your Rolex serviced by an experienced professional person, information technology is likewise of import to understand what is actually involved with servicing a sentinel.

In the aforementioned way that your car needs periodic oil changes and its break pads replaced, a mechanical watch also needs its lubricants replenished and worn components replaced in order to guarantee proper performance. While some people say that servicing your watch is similar changing the oil on your machine, this really has more to do with both existence necessary parts of ownership, rather than the actual processes themselves. An oil change tin exist done at home with minimal tools, and other than removing the erstwhile oil filter, almost nothing is involved equally far as disassembling the car itself.

Service of a Rolex is quite a fleck more involved and could improve be described as a consummate overhaul and refinish of the watch. The service procedure includes the complete disassembly of the sentry, including the case and motion. Maintaining a precision mechanical watch is not simply a matter of opening it upwards and putting some oil on it. In fact, what is really required is the consummate tear-down, cleaning, and re-assembly of the picket.

How To Service Your Rolex

Servicing a Rolex Spotter

Pace 1: Disassembly

The first step in servicing a Rolex is the consummate disassembly of both the watch and its internal motility. Depending on the specific model and the quotient it uses, the average mechanical timepiece consists of well over a hundred components, and certain complex timepieces can be fabricated up of more than a thousand private pieces. Additionally, proper disassembly of a lookout man, particularly a Rolex, requires the use of numerous specialized tools, and without their employ, disassembly volition likely damage your picket.

Step 2: Cleaning

Once the watch and the motility are both completely disassembled, the individual components must be cleaned before new lubricants can exist applied. Typically this stage of the service process involves an ultrasonic cleaning using especially formulated solutions that remove one-time lubricants and dirt.

Stride iii: Replacement of Worn or Damaged Components

While the lookout man is disassembled, the watchmaker will inspect the individual components for wear and damage. Equally needed, worn and damaged components will need to exist replaced, and information technology is imperative that merely genuine Rolex parts are used. Certain components are seen as consumable throughout the lifecycle of a picket, and they will need to be replaced at one indicate or some other should you wish for the watch to run within its original manufacturer specifications.

How To Service Your Rolex

Stride four: Reassembly and Reapplication of Lubricants

Once all of the private parts are clean and whatever worn or damaged components accept been replaced, the next stride is the reassembly of the lookout man and the reapplication of all lubricants. While the lubricants used on a lookout are often not a topic for discussion, they practice play an incredibly important role in the overall function of a watch. During the reassembly process a number of highly specialized lubricants are reapplied to the motion, and this step is ane of the most exacting and of import in the unabridged service procedure.

Footstep 5: Timing Scale and Adjustments

Subsequently the motility has been reassembled, it is adapted and the watch's timekeeping is dialed in to ensure that it is running within its proper manufacturer specifications. Again, this is another party of the service procedure that requires the apply of special tools and equipment, and it really should only be done past a trained watchmaker that has prior experience with Rolex watches.

Footstep 6: Polishing and Refinishing (If Desired)

In add-on to the internal components of the movement receiving attention, the various parts of the watch that make upwards the example and bracelet ofttimes receive a polish and refinish to ensure that their cosmetic dazzler is restored. During this stage of the service process, all of the external surfaces of the case and bracelet have their proper gloss or satin-brushed surface finished restored, removing all scratches and scuffs that the watch may have received over the years. However, for collectible vintage watches, leaving them in their original unpolished condition is an important office of preserving their value, then you lot may want to skip this step should yous wish to preserve the value of a particularly rare or collectible vintage Rolex model.

Step 7: Mail service-Service Testing

Once the service process is complete, a number of highly important mail service-service tests are conducted in order to ensure that the watch is functioning exactly as it should be. Some of these tests relate to verifying that the watch is properly sealed against moisture and dirt, while others pertain to the timekeeping performance of the move after casing.

How To Service Your Rolex

Who Tin Service a Rolex Watch?

Non all professional watchmakers are able to service Rolex watches. Even those that know how to service a Rolex (from a technical standpoint) may not properly be able to acquit out the bodily service process due to their inability to purchase genuine service replacement components straight from Rolex.

Use of genuine components is crucial to proper functionality, and at Bob'south Watches, every single component of every unmarried picket – right down the the rubber gaskets – is 100% genuine Rolex. This is admittedly an important step in properly servicing a Rolex. If the lookout man isn't constructed with 100% genuine Rolex parts, there's no possible fashion that you can look it to function exactly how Rolex intended it to perform.

Rolex keeps a very tight command over the supply of its parts, and the visitor does not sell them to just anyone that asks to buy them. The vast majority of professional watchmakers do not have direct access to 18-carat Rolex parts, and so it is crucial that you lot only have your watch serviced by either Rolex themself or an qualified independent watchmaker that has a direct parts business relationship with Rolex.

How To Service Your Rolex

Rolex Service Center or Independent Watchmaker?

In regards to who can service your Rolex, your chief two options are going to be either Rolex directly, or a qualified independent watchmaker with a Rolex parts account. While both will be able to properly restore a Rolex watch to its proper functionality, the choice you lot go with volition likely depend on the blazon of watch that you have.

For modern Rolex watches, feel free to ship them directly to Rolex for service. None of the components on the watch are rare or highly collectible, and fifty-fifty if Rolex does supervene upon certain parts, the watch you receive back will be more-or-less identical to the picket you sent in for service. In fact, for newly-released Rolex watches, at that place are certain parts that Rolex will non sell to independent watchmakers, so you will actually need to transport your sentinel to Rolex directly should you crave service or repairs.

However, for older models and certainly vintage Rolex watches, you may prefer to seek out a qualified independent watchmaker to perform the service. With an independent, you will have a greater say in the service procedure, and certain components will not be replaced if y'all specifically request that they remain.

For vintage Rolex watches, much of their value and collectibility is linked to the originality of their components. When Rolex services a lookout, the service middle's goal is to restore functionality to the all-time of its power. This can often crave the replacement of sure components such as the dial, hands, and bezel insert, which can significantly backbite from the resale value of the watch. Consequently, sending your vintage watch to Rolex for service may not always exist the best option.

For example, replacing the dial and hands in an early on 1960s Rolex Submariner and then that information technology will be able to glow once again volition decrease its value by more than $ten,000. While the original components from the 1960s will not glow and will probable show signs of vesture, they are actually incredibly important to the overall value and collectibility of the spotter.

How To Service Your Rolex

Should you service your Rolex before y'all should sell it?

For those looking to sell their Rolex, it is a practiced idea to find out if the institution you lot are selling to requires this. A single service goes for most $800 USD depending on the model, and that price can increase significantly should your scout need numerous parts replaced in order to restore it to full functionality.

In some cases, an online dealer will have their own in-firm watchmakers who are able to service the watch at a much cheaper rate. In these instances, information technology is frequently best to allow the financial burden of service fall on to the buyer, since they will not crave service prior to sale and will likely be able to service the Rolex they buy from y'all for less than what yous would take to pay out of pocket to accept the same picket serviced.

Service is an inherent and unavoidable part of Rolex ownership. Nevertheless, with a little bit of periodic care and maintenance, your Rolex scout will evangelize many years of reliable operation, and information technology volition likely fifty-fifty be able to outlive you, providing many generations with accurate timekeeping.

How To Service Your Rolex

Can I Mail My Rolex To The Company For Repair?,


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